When I was summering in Europe a few years ago, I was amazed by the obstacles to traveling. They weren't the same as in the US, but they were rather difficult to overcome nonetheless. Over here we've got a problem with distance - everything is so damn far away. I can make it over to Colorado, but it takes a good twenty hours. In Europe the distances aren't so severe, but the cost of traveling is. I spent $250 getting from Arco in northern Italy to Font in central France. It was just over ten hours of driving, which I can easily handle, but I went broke in the process.
As gas prices increase, the world is going to grow. The world has been getting smaller for the last thousand years, but I see this trend changing in the next ten. With the end of the era of cheap energy, traveling will become more difficult for the first time in human history. I feel is this summer looking at plane tickets. Getting to Europe this year costs as much as China last year. It is only going to get worse, so I foresee my wanderlust becoming more and more of a burden.
"summering in Europe" - it sounds so WASP of you Alan.
The best cure for wanderlust is a full-time job in a cube. Counterintuitive? Perhaps, but you'll just be too tired to even care.
Dude I called this years ago...I want a cookie
Yo! Get wit it...you're laggin big time
your blog officially sucks
jesus fuck post again already
It's official, your blog is dead to me...dead!
seriously. i hope you're getting laid or something.
where the fuck are you?
Fuck off.
your blog sucks.
The other side of this situation is that it’s very easy to miss out on significant happenings around the world, simply by being focused on other things when they occur. The recent riots in Michigan escaped my notice for two days, simply because I hadn’t seen it in the news. I don’t get the paper, and I don’t watch the nightly news (unless you count “The Daily Show” but then I haven’t seen that this week either) The sites that I get my news from didn’t have that on their radar - it had either been bumped by other newsworthy events on the general news sites that I read, or just had never shown up, due to the tight focus on other news sites that I read.
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