November 28, 2009

Fort Collins

In Fort Collins for the weekend, spending time with my little sister, Cassie (or Cassandra as I am not told) and her husband-to-be Corey. For those of you who know the family, here are some updates, in photos.

Corey. Soon to be a member of the family. Has a truck that sometimes runs and a bike that sometimes runs.

Cassie. Difficult to photograph due to not liking it. Soon to be adding another member to the family, little Thomas Aquinas. At least that's who I assume she's naming him after.

Linda. Amazing vocabulary. I've never seen anything like it.

Joel. It looks like a smile, but it's not. Actually a breathing technique picked up from Alberto Contador.

Jumping in Rocky Mountain National Park. We also saw some elk. They are large.


Amna said...

i would like to see alan and his rainy car.

shannon said...

yay Alan's parents!

Justin said...

Whoa, does having your little sister getting married make you feel old? It makes me feel old.

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