December 10, 2007

My Friend...

I'm still friendless here in the R-side, I'll find out if they can salvage my data tomorrow morning. I don't see why they couldn't, but the thought still makes my heart ache. Like getting an STD test. I mean, I know I don't have aids...but what if I did? Then you get the good news and it makes your day, hurray! Like this.

Check out my spam e-mail account. I signed up for some list serve when I was in san diego two years ago, and haven't really used the account since. That's a lot of e-mails in my in-box, eh. I think it means I'm popular. Really popular. I've got over 20,000 friends, and they all sent me one and only one e-mail.


shannon said...

dude std tests are scary. it's true- you *know* you're a healthy happy individual, but the mere thought of the potential result is terrifying nonetheless.

shannon said...

i think you should contact that 'wshngforwzrds' character - he sounds like he's your kind of guy, seeing as you often wish for wizards.